5 Quotes & Sayings By Yuu Watase

Born in Wajima City, Saga Prefecture, Japan in 1975 - Yuu Watase is a popular Japanese manga artist and author of the popular series "Love Hina," a romantic comedy about a young man who falls in love with a girl in the next-door apartment. A year after the conclusion of the final episode in "Love Hina," there is still a large number of people who have not been satisfied with the ending. This is why they have been creating websites to allow "Love Hina" fans share their feelings with each other.

The most ruthless of all humans are the ones cornered...
The most ruthless of all humans are the ones cornered in by death. Yuu Watase
What is a man? What is a woman? Why are men and women attracted to each other? Why do they desire each other? Love...what is it? Yuu Watase
Even though you're not by me side, Night, you will forever be my first man, my Zettai Kareshi Yuu Watase
True love is actually very hard to understand... Everybody is looking for love, everybody is fighting for love... But because they can't bear to say it outloud, they express it through songs Yuu Watase